Sunday, August 31, 2014

You are beautiful!

First of all let me just say, that you are beautiful, just exactly the way you are. Having dealt with body image issues my entire life and just now becoming comfortable with myself, I also know that I am beautiful and perfect just exactly the way I am, right now, today.

Raising a beautiful, intelligent little girl with a very slow metabolism has taught me so much about self-love and appreciation. Skinny people can be unhealthy, bigger people can be healthy. The size of your body does not and should not dictate the life you have. Confidence and empowerment come from inside, they are not a reflection of other’s views.

For me this Challenge is about taking control of my life at least in some fashion, during a really challenging period for me. I've struggled with weight for as long as I can remember. I've been bulimic, I've been obese, I overeat when I am stressed and I can easily get off of the exercise wagon without a conscious consideration.
I have done just about everything in the past to be skinny or good enough or a certain size… everything. My sister-in-law, Katie, said something really insightful awhile back… She told us during a health seminar that if we wanted to lose weight and that was our only objective, well we could just go lose a limb. This isn't just about losing weight, this is about living a healthier lifestyle and taking back control.

I am sharing my experience during these next 24 days to hopefully inspire others to choose themselves. I've been asked so many times how I've lost weight or what the 24 Day Challenge is about, so I thought I would very specifically tell you, right here, right now. Not only will this blog let you in, but it will keep me motivated, honest and on my game.

I’m really looking forward to how I will feel on September 26th, the day my Challenge will be complete, the day I will close on my new home and the day for just a minute I can put the terrible heartbreak behind me and look ahead to something beautiful and perfect and unknown.

Tomorrow is Day 1