Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 11 & Dena's Guest Post!!!

Advocare found me a couple of years ago after having a baby. I was done breastfeeding and struggling to lose the remainder of my baby weight. Although I was eating healthfully, I wasn’t able to go to the gym yet and I was feeling low in the self-confidence department. The weight had come off well initially, but I was at a plateau and nothing I ate (or didn’t eat) managed to bust the rut. 
Enter Advocare. My friend Leah had been watching me come to work at night (I’m a dance teacher) with my pre-portioned healthy foods, and she kept telling me to just try Advocare. I thought I was competent on my own and “I didn’t need her vitamins to lose weight,” so I stubbornly kept plugging along with what I was doing. Eventually I had enough. I told Leah, “I will try your silly vitamins but when they don’t work, I will want my money back so just get ready.”
What a team player, huh?
You know even as I’m typing this, I can’t believe the above two paragraphs were ever about me. I am such a positive person with a sunny outlook on life. I love being a mother, and even in dark times, I believe life is good and something awesome is always in store for me. But when I go back to the beginning of my Advocare journey, I realize that my disposition is intimately tied to my physical body. And I’m not just talking about vanity. I feel most alive when I take care of my body. Eating real foods, preparing good meals, exercising until I’m dripping with sweat- while these things take time and discipline, they are always worth it and they make me feel whole. The trouble then was that after kids I just didn’t have the energy for all that until I tried Advocare. 
As I said, I grudgingly embarked on that 24 Day Challenge and made my husband do it with me. It was so easy, and nothing about it felt like dieting. Advocare taught us a new lifestyle and we were loving it. By day 14 our then four-year-old son announced at the dinner table, “Mommy and Daddy why have you both been SO NICE to me?!” I didn’t know whether to be sad or excited by his comment, but either way I knew the root cause of it. We both had more energy, we were sleeping better at night, we were exercising more and we were dropping unneeded weight and inches. I was completely sold that night at the dinner table when I saw us through my child’s eyes and I haven’t looked back. 
On that first challenge I dropped 8 lbs and 8.5 inches and I was ecstatic. Josh lost 10 lbs and gained inches in his chest and biceps. While our results were impressive, the weight loss ended up being a pleasant side-effect to the greater issue of energy. Since that first challenge we’ve tried grow our family, but we couldn’t. We experienced the expected emotional ups and downs and feelings of betrayal during our pregnancy losses. That was hard. But there are physical components too — the hormonal craziness, and many side-effects from physical stress— that surprised me because I wasn’t expecting them. That’s when I realized Advocare was more than a great 24 days or a few pounds gone. Advocare was a true blessing in my life because through it all it allowed me to make peace with my body. Advocare brought me back to my healthiest self after having a baby and then losing two more, and it has allowed me to feel in control of my body again and even inspired by it. That’s freedom.
I’ve managed even to make money with Advocare! I never intended to start a business, but then suddenly there it was. I started with a simple discount, and then shared my story with people when they asked about our success. Eventually I realized this was a real opportunity and I started mindfully working my hobby as a business. Because of my consistent efforts, Advocare has become a rewarding Plan B income for us and I earn about $1000/month. Make no mistake, Advocare is a work program- not a “get rich quick” plan- but if you have a desire or a need to earn money by helping people, then I encourage you to take a look at the business plan- it’s a good as the products! I know now that I have a future with Advocare. I am not required to live by anyone’s rules but my own. I can create a business that will pay me what I’m worth, and I will not have to compromise my family time or my values to earn it. I don’t have to go back to my old full-time job when my youngest heads off to full-time school. Yes, that’s freedom twice. 
If I can do it, you can too. Don’t spend the time stuck and stubborn like I did- it was a waste. Advocare absolutely helps you become more than you otherwise would without it. Whether you need energy and weight loss like I did, wellness, sports performance, a new attitude, or financial freedom, Advocare has solutions. Do not settle for less. You are worth it! 

Dena Cronholm
Can You See My Fingers at

Thanks Dena :)


I ate every 2-3 hours and drank as much water as I could manage.

Advocare products:
  • ·         Catalyst
  • ·         Spark
  • ·         Restore Packet (Probiotics)
  • ·         Meal replacement shake
  • ·         MNSMAX Control
  • ·         Omegaplex

  • ·         Breakfast:
    • o   Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Morning Snack:
    • o   Banana
    • o   Hardboiled Egg
  • ·         Lunch:
    • o   Turkey meatballs, gluten free vodka sauce sautéed with fresh mushrooms and spinach
  • ·         Afternoon Snack:
    • o   Hummus with Cucumber
  • ·         Dinner:
    • o   Spicy tuna sashimi

Exercise: Today I didn't make time, tomorrow hopefully!

If you are interested in doing your own 24 Day Challenge you can order it from the Advocare Website at:, or of course I am available to answer any questions you have or point you to the right resource.

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