Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The First Day

This is the first day of the rest of my life.

Today I close on our new home! I am so overwhelmingly excited J

Given all of the craziness that is about to go down over the next couple of weeks, I am bringing this blog and 24 Day Challenge to a close. This has been an incredible experience. Thank you for navigating it with me. My results were outrageous. I am looking forward to carrying what I’ve learned and my renewed perspective with me into this next chapter of my life.


Lost: 9.7 pounds and 11 inches (2.5 inches off of my waist!!!)

Gained: Increased self-esteem and some awesome healthy habits

I can honestly and gratefully say this was far and above the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Finding myself suddenly single and the mother of two children (an 8 year old and an infant), recovering from major abdominal surgery and a difficult pregnancy, exhausted, overweight, broken-hearted and homeless set me back big time.

I have never been so humbled, humiliated and tragic.

I hate that my choices have caused my daughter so much pain and disruption. I will never be able to forgive myself for that. I can only hope to be the best I can be for her and that maybe she picked up some life skills through this experience. As far as my sweet baby, I am so grateful for him every day. Someday he will know about this time in all of our lives. My wish for him is that he will view it through the eyes of empathy and human compassion.

Navigating my way through this financial, emotional and physical upheaval has been challenging and overwhelming. These 24 days have brought renewed hope, inspiration and the knowledge that I will survive this.

Today we move into our new home, my babies are healthy and happy, I am at a healthy BMI and feeling physically ready to embrace what life has in store for me. Emotionally, I will keep working towards being whole again and I know I will get there too.

I can be humbled and I can be brought low, but I cannot be broken.

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