Friday, September 5, 2014

Plot Twist

Day 5

Plot Twist

My smokin’ hot friend Candice posted this to her facebook wall the other day and it really struck home for me:

Last year at about this time, I went to an ARTCRANK Event in Denver with Daniel’s dad. It’s a poster event, with you guessed it, a bike theme. The event itself was pretty fun, but what was extra special about it was I was 6 weeks pregnant at the time, so excited and so in love. There was a poster shown at the event that I just knew was perfect. I knew that I was expecting a little boy, I was sure of it, and I was so hopeful that the outcome of this pregnancy would be different than the one before. The poster was what I wanted to put on his nursery wall and what I wanted him to grow up believing in… adventure, possibilities, and to follow his heart. I didn’t buy the poster that day. I didn’t feel comfortable counting on something I couldn’t be sure of and I didn’t want to jinx anything.

Now a little over a year later, I’m ready to buy it and frame it and put it on his wall in the home we will be moving into in a couple of weeks. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find it. It wasn’t for sale online and ARTCRANK only sells posters at the shows it puts together. I was able to get in touch with the artist with the help of the ARTCRANK team and she put the print on etsy for me to buy. She loves the story and her email to me today brought me to tears.

I won’t be putting it on his wall in the home I’d hoped to have with the family I had grown to count on and love. This moment is not the one I saw myself having. There’s been a major plot twist. Today, it makes me sad, but tomorrow will be a better day.

Plot twists happen all the time. Embracing them and moving forward is the only option.

Advocare products:

  • ·         Catalyst
  • ·         Spark
  • ·         Restore Packet (Probiotics)
  • ·         Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Herbal Cleanse Supplement Packet
  • ·         Omegaplex

  • ·         Breakfast:
    • o   Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Morning Snack:
    • o   Hardboiled Egg
    • o   Orange
  • ·         Lunch:
    • o   Brown Rice Spicy Tuna Roll (King Soopers)
    • o   Cucumber
  • ·         Afternoon Snack:
    • o   Hardboiled Egg
    • o   Apple
  • ·         Dinner:
    • o   Crockpot turkey breast with green enchilada sauce
    • o   Salad with peach vinegar

Exercise: I took a rainy-day walk with Zoe the ridiculous dog 

If you are interested in doing your own 24 Day Challenge you can order it from the Advocare Website at:, or of course I am available to answer any questions you have or point you to the right resource.

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