Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'd Rather Be Weeding

Day 4

I’d Rather Be Weeding

Finding passion and purpose in what you do is so important. Today I felt a bit bereft of that… I spent the majority of my time at work negotiating Government contracts and corporate insurance.

My degree and previous career focus was horticulture. I could very happily water plants, think about plants, talk about plants and write about plants all day every day. Today, instead of negotiating contracts I would even rather have been pulling weeds

Very often, for lots of important reasons, we end up in careers that don’t necessarily reflect the passion at the core of who we are, so how do we incorporate our passion into everyday life and find passion and purpose in everyday tasks?

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to figure out how to bring more passion to your work and everyday life:

1. What do I love to do?
2. How can I be the best version of myself?
3. What gives me energy or makes me feel excited?
4. When do I feel the most joy?
5. How can I bring this into my work and other tasks?

Even though I am not working directly with horticulture, I have found ways to be passionate about my work, which takes up the majority of my time, and everyday tasks:

  •          I am passionate about providing a good home for my children, where I have time to focus on them and provide them with the things they need to be comfortable
  •          I am passionate about supporting my family business and its success is very important to me
  •          I am passionate about the mission of our company because I believe we save lives through improving crisis decision-making
  •          I am passionate about providing exceptional human interactions in everything I do because I really do believe it’s all about people
  •          I am passionate about plants and try to look for projects that have an agricultural element to them, this passion extends to my everyday life
  •          I am passionate about our corporate culture and I really do consider my coworkers family (some literally are) and I will do whatever I can in my different roles to support their needs
  •          I am passionate about solving impossible problems

Being healthy and taking care of myself support all of these passions and give purpose to the Challenge I am doing.

“When passion is strong and it is identified and understood, it is possible to harness that energy to create great things and have a big impact in the world.” – Karin Volo

I am challenging myself today to stoke those fires and bring back my passion because if I’d rather be doing something else then I’m not going to be effective at what I’m doing.


I ate every 2-3 hours and drank as much water as I could manage.

Last night I didn't carve out the time to pack my lunch because I was too busy helping with homework and cooing at the baby, thinking that this morning I would get up early and take care of it. That didn't happen, sigh. We barely made it out the door in time to get everybody where they needed to be when they needed to be there.

Preparedness is so important to the success of this plan. Even though I made it work, I know I could have gotten in options that were just slightly better had I packed my lunch/snacks. Luckily, I had to drop by Office Depot to pick up a tablet keyboard this morning on my way to work and there is a Whole Foods right next door. I popped by and picked up some reasonably delicious selections, but forgot to grab some fresh veggies. I ended up deciding sodium packed liquid veggies were better than none J

Advocare products:

  • ·         Catalyst
  • ·         Spark
  • ·         Restore Packet (Probiotics)
  • ·         Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Herbal Cleanse Supplement Packet
  • ·         Omegaplex


  • ·         Breakfast:
    • o   Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Morning Snack:
    • o   2 egg white muffins (Kalola’s recipe)
    • o   Orange
  • ·         Lunch:
    • o   5 oz grilled salmon (Whole Foods Deli)
    • o   ¼ cup of quinoa and black bean salad (Whole Foods Deli)
    • o   V8
  • ·         Afternoon Snack:
    • o   4 oz cup of Noosa lemon yogurt
    • o   Pear
  • ·         Dinner:
    • o   Macaroni Grill Shrimp Portofino without the pasta (shrimp, spinach, pine nuts, mushrooms, lemon with olive oil)

Exercise: I rode my flaming-o pink bicycle to Margaret’s Pond with Arielle J … I <3 my bike!

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