Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fried Chicken, Pulled Pork, Corn Bread and the 80/20 Rule

Fried Chicken, Pulled Pork, Corn Bread and the 80/20 Rule

Days 8 & 9

If you are a crazy competitive over-achiever like I am, the 80/20 rule will save your sanity. This is a simple rule that I learned while doing some diet some time ago, but it has stuck with me and I apply it to other areas of life besides eating as well.

It’s pretty straightforward 80% of the time you are totally on your game, 20% of the time you live in the real world and do the best you can with the situation you’re presented, without guilt or remorse.

This is especially pointed given what happened to me late in the evening of Day 7.

I arrived at Carl’s Broncos Party and was immediately overwhelmed by incredible smells. Carl is from the South and had some house-guests staying with him, that as far as I’m concerned were culinary gods. There was pulled pork, Hawaiian sweet rolls, chips with cheese, and homemade cornbread. I’m pretty sure the cornbread was saying my name… “Eat me, Heather” I was steadfast, armed with my shrimp cocktail and the words of my blogs, I was not going to eat that delicious food.

Then the fryer appeared, things began to sizzle. Carl sliced up chicken breast into tasty morsels and into the fryer they went. When they came out they were crispy and perfect and abruptly found themselves seasoned with homemade wing sauce. Still I stayed strong.

Then the moment came. Carl looked me in the eye and said “try one”. It was like one of those movies when the voice plays in slow motion and their mouth moves in great exaggeration. What was a girl to do? Yes, of course, I’ll try one. Then I tried another and then I was like, what the heck… here I am at this party where part of the social experience is to enjoy this beautiful food, so I did.

When you have a healthy foundation to start from, it’s much easier to make reasonable food choices and enjoy them. Sunday night was my 20% and I have no regrets. The food, the company and the game were amazing.

Last night I had a class from 5-9, after being home with a sick baby and working all day, so I missed my post. Missed is the right word, I felt fit to burst with words and couldn’t wait to tell you all about that mouthwatering pulled pork.

Day 8:

I did my best to eat every 2-3 hours and drank as much water as I could manage.

Advocare products:
  • ·         Catalyst
  • ·         Spark
  • ·         Restore Packet (Probiotics)
  • ·         Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Fiber10 Drink
  • ·         Omegaplex

  • ·         Breakfast:
    • o   Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Morning Snack:
    • o   Banana
    • o   Hardboiled egg
  • ·         Lunch:
    • o   Stuffed bell pepper
  • ·         Afternoon Snack:
    • o   Hardboiled egg
    • o   Green apple
  • ·         Dinner:
    • o   Chick Fil A grilled nuggets
    • o   Chick Fil A fruit cup
      • §  Dinner was way later than I would have hoped for because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to eat in the class. 9:00 Chick Fil A run is not ideal, but I was starving and I did drive right past much less healthy options.

Exercise: Two long walks with Daniel, he loves it and baby sit ups…


I ate every 2-3 hours and drank as much water as I could manage.

Advocare products:
  • ·         Catalyst
  • ·         Spark
  • ·         Restore Packet (Probiotics)
  • ·         Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Fiber10 Drink
  • ·         Omegaplex

  • ·         Breakfast:
    • o   Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Morning Snack:
    • o   Apple
    • o   2 Kalola’s Egg White Muffins
  • ·         Lunch:
    • o   Chipotle Bowl (Black beans, chicken, all of the salsas)
  • ·         Afternoon Snack:
    • o   Almonds
    • o   Peach
  • ·         Dinner:
    • o   Salmon
    • o   Steamed mixed veggies

Exercise: Nope

Gratuitous baby photo:

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