Sunday, September 14, 2014

People Are Starting to Notice

Day 14

The Burrito Lady in the lobby stopped me on my way in to work on Friday to tell me how great I looked and she wanted to know what I was doing to make such a significant change. I spent a minute to tell her and the compliment was so lovely to hear.

It's not just the Burrito Lady... other moms at school, friends I haven't seen in a while... People are noticing.  This isn't about how I look to other people, but it certainly doesn't hurt my self-esteem to receive the compliments.

It's funny coming from being sort of a nerdy girl to someone somebody might compliment on their appearance. It keeps things in perspective. I know what it feels like to be unseen, or not considered traditionally pretty. I know that it really is about who you are, not what you look like. Looks change, possessions change, popularity changes, but who you are inside is where true beauty exists. 

I'm excited about the changes in the way I feel and the way my body is looking. I'm feeling more like myself every day. 

One of the options on the 24 Day Challenge is to incorporate Catalyst. I always include it, both in my Challenge and my maintenance. Catalyst is a branch chain amino acid grown from microorganisms into yeast that form high quality amino acid strands. This supplement facilitates the body's efficiency in turning fat into energy by protecting muscle tissue. When I incorporate Catalyst I notice increased muscle tone, fewer unwanted inches and a leaner physique overall. 


I ate every 2-3 hours and drank as much water as I could manage.

Advocare products:
  • ·         Catalyst
  • ·         Spark
  • ·         Meal replacement shake
  • ·         MNS MAX Control
  • ·         Omegaplex

  • ·         Breakfast:
    • o   Meal replacement shake
  • ·         Morning Snack:
    • o   Hardboiled Egg
    • o   Banana
  • ·         Lunch:
    • o   Chili’s Spicy Shrimp Taos without the soft taco or rice
  • ·         Afternoon Snack:
    • o   1 scoop of delicious Lik’s ice cream with my sexy friend Karin
    • o   Shrimp
    • o   Apple
  • ·         Dinner:
    • o   Baked chicken
    • o   Asparagus

Exercise: Walk through Cheesman Park with Karin J

Seaweed and I put together some awesome exercise videos for your viewing pleasure, Enjoy!

If you are interested in doing your own 24 Day Challenge you can order it from the Advocare Website at:, or of course I am available to answer any questions you have or point you to the right resource. 

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